Wah Taj!

IMG_2595Starting Time, Place: 7.30pm, Mathura

Time taken to reach Agra :1.40hours

We reached the city which houses one of the seven wonders of the World, later in the evening and crashed in bed to feel fresh and rejuvenated in the morning to witness the splendour of the monument of love, Taj Mahal.

Our first horse carriage ride

Our visit to ‘the’ monument started with a short horse carriage ride to the entrance leading to the Taj Mahal.

As we entered through the Royal Gate, what lay ahead was a sight of complete splendor.

After having captured the Taj Mahal from all angles and having posed in all ‘our’ customary poses, we made sure we had enough pictures to update on the blog. Having done all that, we just stood in the awe of the beauty of Taj Mahal.

Us 🙂

Our next stop: Vrindavan

Highlight: Holi celebrations at Bihariji ka Mandir

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